Thursday, March 12, 2009

Normal Love and Jack Smith

not to belittle you Jack, but there was once this very peculiar boy from columbus Oh and i know what it means to be a strange boy from ohio .... I come from Lansing OH a long time ago --Who was So different that He made his way to the Big city NY and made some movies that Along the way changed the face of cinema.. the sad part is that no one gets to see his movies.. only because of tony conrad and christopher hughes .. who i bow down too have i ever been able to see a jack smith movie ... Tony Gave Chris Normal .. love... Chris gave it to me ... I Was singing and dancing when i saw it .... it'S about a wolfman a mummy and mermaid and a snake charmer ... Warhol Waters and Anger took a lot from it well maybe anger is just coincidental but the other two definitely were envious .... now don't get me wrong i Love the films jack made with Ron Rice(god rest his soul) and the Great Ken Jacobs... Who is just an inspiring human Being much as he is film maker .... Pittsburgh Filmmakers Ran that Jack Doc titled Jack SMith and the destruction of Atlantis There Were plenty of Freaks and queers like myself in the audience .. We all Wept and were brought to the floor bye jack's life story .... some one make these movies available We have The power too -if jack had the Hope to make them .. We should at least remember them for what they are .. i mean i love the fact that they are a myth but i want to be able to go on netflix or a dvd joint and get a jack smith vol 1 dvd....


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